Founder of the United Nations gang could be spending the rest of his life in an American jail.

Founder of the United Nations gang could be spending the rest of his life in an American jail. Clayton Roueche has pleaded guilty to drug and money laundering charges.In a Seattle courtroom, Roueche admitted to conspiring to export over a tonne of marijuana to the States and to bring back several kilograms of cocaine into Canada. News1130's legal expert Michael Shapray says Roueche can apply to serve his sentence in a Canadian Institution, but U.S. prosecutors want the gangster to serve his entire term in the U.S. "Clearly the United States, in certain circumstances, will not agree to that and will try to block that transfer because of the nature of the offense for which someone is being convicted."
Shapray says attorneys in the U.S. are aware of Canada's liberal parole laws, and will argue Roueche won't serve as much time here as he would in an American jail. Prosecutors are asking for a sentence of 30 years to life.

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